Sister Rebecca Askren 14905 Normandy Blvd., Bellevue, NE 68123

August 5, 2011

One of the many bronze sculptures featured at
The Mormon Trail Center

My service opportunity and my birthday picture!
Mom was able to copy/paste your birthday greetings
on my email!

Thank you!

July 4, 2011

May 9, 2011

Oh, forgot to tell you - we did get permission from Pres. Kunz. We were only allowed one hour of one on one time and one hour for the tour So, Bitsy and I were there for 2 hours. And Sister Askren said "Well, you have been here two hours. Don't you have a dinner meeting?" She was a missionary the whole time we visited her! And our visit was not a surprise! We hugged every sister missionary that was serving at the time, and some sisters make a point to come get a hug from us!

Sister Anderson and Bitsy
Yeap! We were able to visit Becky on (almost) Mother's Day!
We could visit with her, one on one, for an hour.

Here is Sister Askren telling us about the tour here at
The Mormon Trek Center
Winter's Quarters, Nebraska

Becky's Email 6/27/11

We were talking about the holy ghost, how it helps and guides us, and right then the storm we have been having for the last 3 days got really bad. There was a flash of lightening. We told her the analogy we made up a while ago.
The Holy Ghost is like when you are walking out side in a storm at midnight. It's all dark and wooded and when the lightening flashes you can see that you got off of the path and you readjust but then it gets dark again. You start wondering and then there is another flash of lightening. Well the Holy Ghost it's like a flash light in your hand and through your obedience and faith is by how strong or how faint the light will be, but the light will always be there.
I love it when you tell gospel truths and the spirit is their so strongly and they can feel it and they know it's what they need in their lives. I am so grateful that I know I have a flashlight and that I can make it strong or faint but Heavenly father has given us the ultimate example Jesus Christ to make sure it's strong.

February 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

Oops, sorry I have been slow about updating Becky's blog! How about some photos?

First area, first companion, Sister Hale, second baptism, with Brother Laing, ward mission leader.
Laing children with Sister Hale and Sister Askren.

Ward activity - making gingerbread houses.

Oops, sorry I have been slow about updating Becky's blog! How about some photos?

October 19, 2010

October 12

(sorry, she was putting the portions for everybody in mom's email and i wasn't aware of it.)
We have been having a lot of wonderful lessons here in Plattsmouth area. The people are hardworking and faithful. Many people of skills here that you would never have guessed people did. We met a couple who built there own log home. It was a HOME too not a cabin really. They hand varnished everything and hand fitted each plank. The husband is an electrician and he has built a few homes. He and his wife had been checking out how to be able to make the best kind of log home for a while and then they just did it. They were so well pleased with their home and the work they did. It was beautiful workmanship too. It reminds me of what I want my life to be like. I want to study and work hard at my life. Find the best way to live and build my life to those standards. So that when the time comes I can look at my home and say" yes I worked hard and it was all well worth it." To do that I have to let the lord guide me in everything. To follow his example through everything. It isn't easy and some times I know I could do it better but I know it will be worth it. That's what we share out here in Nebraska or in any mission. We share to whom people can turn to to help make there lives better. I am grateful to be here. Thank you for all your prayers and helping support the missionary work. It won't be easy but in the end I can promise you it will be worth it.